Monday, May 28, 2012

A Morning at the Museum

On Friday, May 25th, I went with Sissy on her second field trip.  We went to the Museum of Natural History in downtown Washington, DC.
 I was in charge of these two girls, (A...) and Sissy! 
 As we got closer to the museum, we passed the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument.  The kids on the bus were so excited to see (and even clapped) when we went by each of these National landmarks.  Mrs. B (Sissy's teacher) was proud that they knew the name of each one. They had been studying them in school before we went on the field trip. 
This is what welcomed us when we walked into the museum... a big (not real) elephant!  We had two hours to explore and see as much as we could in that time.
 The girls checking out the coral reef.
 Some clown fish
and fish that looked like Dory from Finding Nemo
 Then, we saw the Hope Diamond
 We also saw a lot of skeletons of many different animals including dinosaurs, llamas, turtles, fish, snakes, monkeys, etc.
 and we saw some tarantulas! ...behind glass, thankfully!
 (A...) definitely kept me on my toes as she liked to wander off and explore on her own, often.  I just didn't want her to get lost or go with another adult, so I always had my eyes on her, making sure I knew where she was at all times!  She was a sweet little girl with a lot of energy!
 A view of the big elephant from the second floor.
 A skeleton of an ancient sea turtle
I had to get one more shot of the elephant before we left.  He was the first thing we saw when we arrived at the museum and the last thing we saw as we left.  It was a good meeting place for all the kindergarten classes to gather at the end of our time.  
There was so much to see and explore at this museum.  We weren't able to see everything in the two hours we were given, but had a great time exploring the things we did see.  I was worn out when we arrived back at the school, but was so glad to have gone and spent my morning with these two sweet girls at the Museum of Natural History!

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