Friday, June 1, 2012

Officially 5

On Buddy's official birthday, 
he broke in his new 'digger truck' out in the backyard, 
and had his absolute favorite thing for lunch, macaroni and cheese!
 After Sissy arrived home from school we all headed to...
Chuck E Cheese's!   It seems this is an annual event for our kids' birthday celebrations.
On our way there, at 3:53PM, his official time of birth, I told him 'Happy Birthday!'
 Buddy and his Daddy playing a canoe game... Buddy was concentrating hard.
 Sissy had fun too, getting a picture with Chuck E.
 Grandma Jean and Buddy
 Once again, at one point I lost track of where Jon went... I found him playing a racing game all by himself!  Such a kid at heart!
 Sissy also liked the ski ball game where she could win lots of tickets.  She was pretty good at it too!
 After Chuck E Cheese's, we ordered pizza for dinner and had cupcakes and ice cream for dessert.
 Another picture with Grandma Jean
 Buddy blew out his 5 candles
 and then licked his plate clean!
 After dinner, Buddy opened a few more gifts from us and Aunt Tracey who sent her gift with Grandma Jean.  She sent this insulated lunch bag with his name on it for school next year.
And he got the movie 'Cars' from us
along with some new swim trunks for the summer!
Not sure why Sissy's eyes are so wide in this picture...
We had a great time celebrating Buddy's birthday today!  We are so thankful for him and so glad to have enjoyed him for the last 5 years.  

We love you, Buddy!  Happy Birthday! 

1 comment:

  1. That last picture cracked me up, along with the one of Buddy licking his plate. That's a keeper for his wedding slideshow. :)
