Sunday, January 31, 2010

My very first post

I finally did it... I started a blog! I'm not sure how often I'll post, but I hope this will help me document my daily life with my family.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Julie. I see that you actually started this in January! And you did one post in January, April, May and June. It doesn't surprise me in the least that you are being very methodical about this. It looks like the first goal you set for yourself is to do at least one post a month. Very wise.

    I wish you so much for your blog, Julie. Yes, that it will be a chronicle of milestones in your family's life, but I hope that you'll also share many of the little moments. The one's that I can remember thinking when I was a young mother, "That's so cute (or so touching)! I'll never forget that." But then over the years, I did forget most of them.

    Special memories like the picture of your children in the park and the supreme effort you made to get a Gill cake for Buddy's birthday. Moments that will be treasured and smiled about by your grandchildren when they read your words and see your pictures!

    May God bless this blog and the special young lady who writes it.

    Love, Aunt Sandy
